lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017

The Closet by Fran Orcha.


A few years ago, there was a young man called Jimmy who went to university. He didn’t have too much money to live in the campus, so he had to rent an apartment in the city.

After he had been living there alone for a while, he began to see some strange things happening. When he came back from the university, the curtains in his bedroom were painted and some of his posessions were not there. These strange ocurrances started to scare him, so he decided to talk to his friends.

They met him in a restaurant and over the coffee, he told them all about the strange things that happened.

“Maybe I’m going to be crazy, but I think someone is entering in my apartment while I’m in classes”.

“Why do you think that?”, asked Max.

“Because I’m losing some belongings and also the curtains are painted”, answered Jimmy.

“It sounds crazy, but you might have a stalker”, said Ana. “It’s a possibility. If it’s true, I think the best option is to call the police”.

“What can the police do?, asked Max. “They’re not going to spend time guarding his apartment”.

“So what can I do?”, suggested Jimmy.

“It’s easy. Just get a video camera, put in your bedroom and if you really have a stalker, you can show to the police the evidende”, proposed Ana.

“You know, that’s a great idea”, said Jimmy.

The next morning, he hid it under some folders on his desk. Before he went to the university, he pressed the record button and left the bedroom.

After 6 hours, he arrived home and took the camera to watch the video while he is talking on the phone with Ana.

He pressed play and watched the recording. He saw himself leaving his apartment in the morning, closing the bedroom door. Then there was nothing. He pressed fast forward the video. The room was empty.

“Still nothing”, he said.

“I can’t wait”, replied Ana. “I’m getting very nervous”.

“OMG!”, cried Jimmy while he stopped the video.

“What? What?”, Ana asked with fear.

“The door is opening! It’s a woman”.

“What’s she doing?”, asked Ana.

“She is closing the door… Walking around. I can’t see her face”.

“Do you know her?”

“No, I have never seen… She has a knife, a big knife. She is going around my bedroom and picking up my clothes for sniffing it. Now she is going over to the closet... She just got into the closet”.

“Fast forward and see if she does anything else”, said Ana.

“Nothing more. I don’t see her”, answered Jimmy. “You know what this means? I have the evidence now, so I can go to the police and they will take me seriusly”.

“I know”, said Ana. “They will have to. Let’s go to the police now. I will go with you”.

“Ok, I’ll meet you in 10 minutes”, said Jimmy.

“Oh… Wait a second”, ordered Ana. “You said she got into the closet. Did she ever leave?” Jimmy, did she ever get out of the closet?”.

Behind him, he heard the closet door open.

“Jimmy! Get out of there!”, screamed Ana, but it was to late. The phone went dead. When she tried to call him again, there was no answer.

Later that evening, the police found the body of the student in a pool of blood. The video camera was on his hands. When the police examined the camera, they discovered that the memory car was missing.

The woman was not found. Right now, she could be in your closet.

Fran Orcha

(One of the four best stories in the contest)